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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Afflicted with the truth - Will the Church Listen - Will you ?

The below body of writing was sent to me by Martha DeVelbiss. I identify with the writer on a number of points. I must point out that within the vaccine fillers there are human diploid cells . Human Diploid Cells are harvested from aborted fetal tissue. Where are those pro life churches or have they replaced their beliefs with their other God, Medicine? I often shake my head at those churches. My church is indeed included. A few months ago they had a school drive that included free vaccinations. In Oklahoma we have the right to refuse vaccinations in 3 areas, Medical, Religious , or Intellectual. You do not need vaccination to attend school. Waivers vary from state to state. Please read and share if you wish. It was very heart felt. The majority of the damage my daughter suffered was because of the DtaP vaccine. thank you Martha for sharing.

Martha Gabriela DeVelbiss (Please forward this letter to all your love ones and brother & sisters in Christ, elders and pastors of the church. Thanks)

The Lord has afflicted me with a passion to find out the truth about the Vaccines given to children and adults. I say afflicted because my findings were brutal and inhuman. I believe the Lord called me to write about my findings and expose them to the churches of Jesus Christ, so you may know and stand for what the Spirit of God is saying to you. As it is written: Ephissians 5:11 ‘Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them’

In January 4th, 2007 my daughter Kiyomi was diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia (stiffness in the legs) Cerebral Palsy: a type of brain damage that could keep her from walking. Kiyomi was three months old when she received the typical large series of vaccines. Prior to the vaccines, she was a happy baby and would scoot like a little worm and coo a lot. She stopped moving and cooing after the shots were given, I couldn’t understand why she would cry so much, even when I held her. What I did notice was that our little girl was no longer the same. My husband and I made the decision to not continue the vaccines but informed ourselves about vaccines and the adverse reactions that they can cause.

My findings were not pleasant at all, by then it was a little too late for our little girl, she had been affected by them. I can’t even imagine what Kiyomi’s condition would be like today if we had giving her the second set of shots. By the grace of God, we found the truth about the vaccines before her next appointment.

I believe the Lord wants me to share this information to wake up and see the warning signs, look around you churches and see what is happening to our children.

God says in Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroy for lack of knowledge”. Yes I believe our Lord is speaking about lack of knowledge of His word, without it I would have never found hope and salvation. I’m also convinced that He also is talking about the lack of knowledge of the many choices we make in our daily lives, choices in which we lack to inform ourselves, for example the Pharmaceuticals and the way they manufacture vaccines.

Children are being diagnosed with Autism; In January 2004 a figure of 1 in 166 children reported by CDC were diagnosed with Autism. In February 2007 children diagnosed were 1 in 150. Now, is 1 in 110, and 1 in 70 in boys. It is reported that more children will be diagnosed with Autism this year then AIDS, Diabetes & cancer combined. It is the fastest- growing serious developmental disability in the U.S.

Yes, we see and hear that Autism is one of the leading children disorders, not to mention other neurological problems affecting other children like mine.

Is it the famous ‘Swine Flu Epidemic’ we should be worry about or be afraid of?

What exactly is in a vaccine? Look on any food label or any medication you take and the ingredients are right there for you to see. But when you get a vaccine, you don't know exactly what is being put into your body.

Here are some of my findings:

DTP/DTaP (3 in 1 vaccine) and flu or swine flu vaccine given to children or adults contain FORMALDEHYDE or FORMALIN; it is a colorless, toxic, potentially carcinogenic, water-soluble gas, CH2O, having a suffocating odor. "It's used chiefly in aqueous solution, as a disinfectant and preservative, and in the manufacture of explosives, fabrics and plastics." it is used to preserve the virus strain when it goes into your body....

Other "wonderful" ingredients include Ether; a strong detergent that should not be for humans or for drugs, but pharmaceuticals put it in some vaccines including the flu.

Thimerosal by weight, is 50 percent mercury, which has been linked very closely to most learning disabilities, neurological disorders, chronic illnesses, Autism included. Thimerosal serves no purpose other than to prolong the shelf life of a vaccine. By the way, inject this Thimerosal stuff directly into your body with no buffer, and your central nervous system will shut down and you'll probably die. I find it shocking that the FDA and EPA will warn us not to eat fish in mass quantity because it may contain mercury, which poses a health threat, but they have no problem injecting it directly into our bodies. Did you know that mercury never leaves the body? So if you get a flu shot every year or twice as recommended by some sources, you are adding small doses to your body every time you get injected."

Hepatitis B vaccine, flu vaccine and others given to children and adults, contain Aluminum. It is added in vaccines in the form of gels or salts to promote the production of antibodies. It has also been named as the possible cause of seizures, Alzheimer’s, brain damage and dementia.

Ethylene Glycol is commonly found as the primary ingredient of automobile antifreeze and hydraulic brake fluids; it is toxic for human intake.

These are chemicals and heavy metals! If you look up some of these chemicals you will see that they are labeled hazardous and toxic. How in God’s name we can possibly think that these ingredients have NO effect when packaged in a vaccination shot? How can we think that cumulative exposure is not dangerous…especially combined with all the other exposures that occur in daily life?

Before 1980 immunizations given to children two years and under was only 8, but from 1980 to 2001, 22 vaccines were injected into the bloodstream of children not fully developed. Big jump don’t you think? Not just that, but Pharmaceuticals became protected by the Government from any law suits also in the 80’s, and that is why no cases really have been won in court.

Why would God place in my heart to share this awful information, especially to the churches? Is it to create fear in you? Absolutely NOT!

1st Corinthians 3:16 ‘Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?’ By this scripture we know to keep away from bad eating habits and addictions that could defile our temples. I believe not taking these toxin filled vaccines would be pleasing to the Lord and healthier for our bodies too.

God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you, they are plans for good and not for disaster (for peace and not evil) to give you a future and a hope”. Churches; our wonderful Father has called us out of a world that offers no peace, that offers no hope but instead offers the opposite. He has planted in us a hope and a mission to accomplish before He brings us home to Him. But how can we accomplish our mission if we are being poisoned? How can our kids accomplish their mission if they are been poisoned and their capacity of walking, talking or thinking is been taken from them by brain disorders?

(Exodus 8:22-24) In the Word we learn of the many plagues the Lord struck Egypt with, but none of those plagues fell on the Children of God. Are we not children of God too, thru the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ? Why are we allowing these plagues bring fear into our lives, to the point that we make the choice to vaccinate our bodies with all these toxins, as if we are lacking faith in the same God that kept plagues from touching the children of Israel. All Israel did was believe in the One and true living God.

1Peter 5:8 tells us to ‘Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith’. I know he is trying really hard to hold us down, to keep us from moving forward, and my hope with this letter is for you to stand and say to him; NO MORE DEVIL!

Ephesians 6:14 ‘Stand therefore, having girded your waist with TRUTH’

My family and I will only use the following as protection: Deuteronomy 7:15 ‘The Lord WILL protect me and my family from all sickness; He will not let us suffer from the terrible diseases of the world.’

Isaiah 54:17, 53:5 ‘No weapon formed against my family and I shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against me in judgment I shall condemn’. ‘By His stripes we are healed’.

Mark 16:18 ‘If we drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt us; I will lay hands on the sick, and they WILL recover.’

By the way, thanks to our walk with Christ, standing in faith and declaring His truth, our daughter Kiyomi is walking more and more each day, and by His stripes she is healed! Nothing is impossible to those who believe!

In this country you are given a choice whether to get vaccinated or not, there is waivers you can sign to refuse them, also in schools you can sign waivers claiming religious beliefs, you just have to get informed..

Brothers and sisters, please pay clear attention to what the Spirit of the Lord tells you regarding this matter. All information and facts given in this letter I copied from books and websites. The truth is available to all of you everywhere; you just need to start searching. As the word says; ‘seek and you will find’.

Another purpose of this letter is that you may share it with your love ones and your fellow believers, including the elders of the church and pastors.

God loves you and cares for you.

Thank you.

Nuemi Largo






Books are hard to find in book stores by you may order them online.


This is Angela again. Here are some links I recommend to people when they ask me questions about vaccines or autism.

From the National Vaccine Information Center . I probably recommend this site above all overs.
"If the State can tag, track down and force citizens
against their will to be injected with biological s
of unknown toxicity today,
there will be no limit on which individual freedoms
the State can take away
in the name of the greater good tomorrow."

— Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-Founder NVIC
The above lady is beyond amazing in my book.
Another favorite of mine Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. She has several books on the validity of vaccines. She also has documentaries. A must see and read.
Her site:

Her book Say NO to Vaccines. http://www.sayingnotovaccines.com/
She is sending this book to "A portion of the proceeds will be set aside to support national autism groups. IMPORTANTLY, the proceeds will also be used to send a book to every one of our 7,382 state legislators". It is a wonderful resource book. Please get it for your family, for your church library, for your doctor. A wonderful present for all.

Dr. Sherri has helped in Athena's recovery. She is on facebook as well on myspace. She has a blog on her main site located above. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/drtenpenny?ref=ts .

The National Autism Association : How can I NOT recommend this site.

Moms Against Mercury This organization has Methodist connections. The Methodist Church is the only denomination that has taken a formal stance against the use of mercury/thimerosal in medicine.
Here are some studies that they have brought together as a group. And no I have not read them all.

Here is a blog on that formal stance the Methodist Church has taken in the form of a resolution.
What a amazing day that was!
More from the Methodist Church:

With many thanks to Martha! May our churches have more knowledge on this relevant matter.
I will try to answer questions.



Tall wooden rickety ladders


Intense pain

Dwelling between my toes

Thoughts of soothing thick mud

Running through water



Squat and falling into grass

Green clean grass surrounds me like water

Idyllic clouds surface overhead

Mountains, seafaring boats with alligators at bay

Sharp teeth- hard skin

A father’s face to see

Storm covers

Seeking shelter I crawl

Winds whipping trees bending

Snap goes my sanity