Phrases I Hear
My child is different from the rest
I Look around and remember
Life was so different before the vaccine reaction
She laughed , smiled (sometimes it was gas )
looked into my hazel green eyes
Then the 4 vaccinations shots in one day happened
Lifechanging event
We were at the hospital-
she was being admitted
4 shots- 6 hours
I had never seen my child have a seizure,
gasping for breath and then still -
lifeless all the while with blood in her diaper.
I had never seen my child, my baby fight for her life.
Powerless I could only watch
so many surrounded her
Blood in her diaper
Her intestines had bled
Where did my daughter go?
Where was the healthy child I had that morning?
What would you do?
I prayed as if I had a knife to my throat
but it had been a syringe
I doubt that it would have felt any different
My child was suffering
Its almost four years later now-
She looks perfect to all
Her behavior has changed
she is still my angel
She spins, tiptoe walks,
yells the same word over and over
has sustained odd play
The Other Mothers look- then smile
You know the smile
As I so often do I explain
"She has Autism"
The Other Mothers inhale
"Oh I am so sorry
You Poor thing!
But she doesn't look autistic"
As if this changes everything
Can I shake you?
Can I scream at you?
Can I change your view just a little?
This rightous anger explodes in me
My skin must contain it
Head bent down I whisper,
Thats my child
I lift my head
Quietly I smile-I am told it relaxes people
Holding my breath I exhale out the anger
and then explain the danger
of Vaccine Reaction
and maybe- just maybe
One more child
will have a fighting chance.
Angela 2007