This verse has been a constant throughout my life.
Hosea 2:15 There I will give her back her vineyards, and will maker her valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth as in the day she came up out of Egypt.
Vaccines have changed the course of my youngest daughter's life and mine. She lived but the prognosis was not good. This is a story of strength and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. My daughter never knew there were odds. My daughter walked on tiptoes instead of water. But if she needed to walk on water- I think she could of run on water.
At eight mths of age having been ill a number of times , I took Athena to get her caught up on her vaccinations. I wanted to keep her safe. Moms keep their children safe right? She had been ill so often. Had I only known. If one just one person would have told me of the danger of vaccine reaction! Again she had a total of 4 shots containing a sum of 9 vaccines. One of the vaccines was the Dtap. The bain of my existence , the Dtap. Within 6 hours not only was my baby girl having a series of seizures but there was blood in her diaper.The crying no screaming never stopped. Her intestines had started to bleed. My daughter was suffering so much. She was admitted to the hospital that night.
I remember the doctors and nurses surrounding her as another set of seizures began . Her body would stiffen and then she would be limp , lifeless.
I had never felt so helpless. I stepped back and the doctors and nurses filled the void. I prayed as if I had a knife to my throat but it was not a knife it was a syringe. Vaccinations had changed my daughter's life forever. She was released from the hospital and the numerous doctors could still not make up their mind as to horrible virus vs horrible vaccine reaction. All I know was my daughter was harmed and she had been fine before the vaccinations.
She stopped looking at me almost immediately. She was always turning the head to avoid eye contact Even in the e.r. one of the doctors commented how she would turn her head away. I thought it was just because he was a stranger in a scary environment . She rarely fussed. How often I heard "she's such a good baby" . She never fussed much after the vaccine reaction. She had lost the ability to tell me when she was in pain, hurting, hungry or if she was even happy. Have you seen a baby without laughter?
And the seizures, how often we were in the hospital numerous times after the reaction for those. They were violent seizures and most often happened at night or at nap time.We went through a long list of doctors and specialists. Cat scans, Mri's, sleep deprived eegs and all before she was two. Athena wasn't progressing ~she was failing to thrive.
At this point I had to prove she was not deaf nor fluid in the ear. I even had the brain stem tested to prove there was not any fluid to cause her to be non responsive. Everyone thought she was deaf. I learned sign language to communicate with her. Athena learned a few words. She still avoided eye contact.
When the speech therapist gently told me
"Have you heard of Autism"
I was taken by surprise. By now she was about 18 mths. She told me it may be difficult for Athena to speak at all. To "not expect much from her". But that speech therapist did make a little progress with her. When she asked Athena to repeat back words , Athena would tap the table with her palm for each syllable spoken. The speech therapist was soo excited when she connected it together.
The doctors I had spoken too had been blunt. That autism was found typically in boys and not in Native Americans. (Yes he said Native Americans-Athena is over 1/2_as if it was not possible for Native Americans to have Autism). I mean who doesn't know autism is found 4 times more in boys than girls? Doctors! Mind you my daughter was crawling circles around this particular doctor for over 5-7 mins without stopping. It was hard for her to walk- she had muscle issues and poor body awareness.
But Then on one visit in a ice blue room with a padded leather chair (it may as well been a padded cell) I heard the words.
Your child has autism
Then he has the nerve to smile as he tells me of all the different therapies. I then began to hear how my child was on the level of a 3 mth old in certain areas 8 mths in others. Even physically just to jump up and down with both feet was somehow out of reach for my child.
So we went to Occupation, Sensory processing integration, Speech, and Physical therapy. We went to the zoo obsessively because she seemed more verbal there-especially with the petting zoo. She would talk to the animals but not me, her mother. I watched my daughter struggle daily in a way I never had to. She learned to sign and then speak with cued speech. But every word was a victory that was hard sought.
She was four before she even helped put her cloths on. When she raised her hands for me to slip on the shirt, I was elated. I usually had to bring up the arms for this action even. I did my own form of ABA therapy as my funds were limited. I made picture cares cards with the name underneath the item. I tried the gf/cf diet when I could afford it. It did help.
I did not do bio med as I could not afford it. At times I had washed cloths in the tub to cut corners so I could afford the food for Athena or that therapeutic tool that just might help. We would go downtown as she had/has a fascination with buildings. Many trips have been made to Mathis brothers:her favorite store.
The National Historic Society has taken a interest in her because she loves design so very much.We may go to the national convention in Nashville next year if we can raise funds. They want to see her again. Have you seen a 5 yr old sit still as they go on and on about various historic sites in disarray? She sat for 2 hours of that enthralled that is until one speaker deviated from the design theme. Then Athena had a hard time sitting still. I am a single mother of a child that struggled.
I was told that she would never talk (not true)
that she would not run without falling, (also not true)
and the worst was not to expect much from Athena ..
How God proves all those well meaning people wrong!
..All the while throughout this entire trial, I prayed, cried and screamed out loud to God for Athena. I had a number of people pray for her, lay hands on her, annoit her head with oil. I believe that was the best therapy for my baby girl. I claimed her healing in Christ-Even when the world thought I was nuts to expect so much. I believed and had faith even though circumstances said otherwise. It was irrational to do so.
6 mths ago at her last evaluation with the developmental Pd Dr. Dell. I heard once again-
"Your child has autism".
Tears still streamed down my face as I stated obvious facts.. She had worked so hard. Perhaps more then you ever will. She was diligent.She can speak now. That she would look at me when I asked her to. I demonstrated. He told me "She is trained". All this I had spoke to Dr. Dell.
However hard she had worked-Her eye contact was abysmal with the Doctor. She could not say how old she was (5 years). She never had been able to do that. Unable to count to ten out loud. This was reality. I asked him so many other solutions: Perhaps it was Pdd-nos, maybe its only that. What if this really is just a severe form of auditory processing disorder? He shakes his head again . He puts the left hand on my shoulder and says once more " Your child has autism". That was August 2008.
Well we say Dr. Dell again last month; February 2009. Athena could say how old she was. Eye contact was wonderful. She could count up to 20. And when he pulled out his book of animals for her to identify she smiled. He pointed to a red parrot and my child said Macaw! And he said "what?". So I said "my child said Macaw" -it was not the most clear. And by the way it was a Macaw. Thank you Tulsa Zoo!
Dr. Dell seemed to lean how smile that day. As he asked her more questions his smile got bigger and bigger. "She seems so different" he stated. Then Dr. Dell was the one asking me the questions of how this happened. All I could tell him that it was God at work in her. That she is a testimony to his saving grace. He seemed to be dwelling in stunned silence. Not only did he take her off the autism spectrum disorder but he put her on the upper regions of normal, well mid to upper regions. God has healed my daughter~he has recovered her from autism.
Our period of silence is over-Praise God! Can I say it again Praise God!~
Now she lifts her hands to God and praises him. When she wakes up and music is on she is praising God. In the car she sings and lifts her hands to God. I have so very much to learn from this precious girl . I am privileged to know the goodness of God. I love the following verses for I feel we have been set free from Egypt- (Holland for those who relate). I could not sleep for 2 days and nights after hearing the news. I called every one I could think of! I even called the CDC. Yes I did. I will expand more later.
Some favorite verses I have drawn strength from:
Hosea 2:15 (NIV)There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Lamentations 3 19-23 v19 I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. 20 I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. 21 Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
God is faithful to hear us;compassionate enough to heal us.
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